Wednesday, March 13, 2019

To verify that LocalDb is installed or not!

To verify that LocalDb is installed or not

1.  a) Open Developer Command Prompt of either VS2015 or VS2017
      b) Now run the tool called sqllocaldb i.e
             > sqllocaldb  info               {info is the parameter name}
OutPut: MSSQLLocalDB
These are the sqllocaldb versions that are installed on the local system.

To get more information on any of these localdb versions, pass the sqllocaldb version name to the info parameter of sqllocaldb tool  .ie.

> sqllocaldb info  MSSQLLocalDB

2. Another way to find out whether localdb is installed or not , is
    a) Under the “Views” menu, Open Sql Server Object Explorer.
          When we open it, then it will automatically connect with the local db .
          Now simply right click on the localdb name to view the connectionstring and use it as you wish.


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